This study investigates the issues for the practice of global citizenship education in universities and analyses a case study of the university in US. The University of South Florida (USF), which defines global citizen education as one of the core strategic plans of the university, is selected. Global citizenship education at USF is aimed at strengthening students' global competencies; global awareness, responsibility and participation. The goals of the practice are globalization of the undergraduate general education curriculum, extra-curricular activities in connection with the curriculum, globalized curriculum leading to graduate courses, and enhancing global competencies of all university members. It is reported that USF dedicated special organizations and systematic operation to support these goals. Based on our investigation and analysis, a reform of the global citizen education curriculum, a global citizenship education that integrates the curriculum and the extra-curricular activities, a coherent and explicit goal setting at the university level, and an operating system structure are required for universities in Korea to promote global citizenship education.