Purpose: With the advent of the global civil society, this study is initiated from the necessity to design and make practical educational contents and methods which help us find relevant social studies’ topics and deal with them profoundly. For this reason, this study, in relation to our Global Citizenship Education(GCE) at school, was to focus on finding out practical strategies for the solutions to the refugee disputes and to find practical syllabuses.
Method: This study was performed by using a literature research methods. I collected and examined relevant existing paper materials such as journals, reports, and books. Thereby, I searched a related topic and extracted meanings, values, perspectives on the topic which each materials contained. And then, I analyzed them by categorizing, integrating, and comparing the each extracted content. Based on this method, I can find the general characteristics and present practical strategies on the global citizenship education.
Results: This study makes it possible to be well organized, based on self-directed and small group cooperative learning process by utilizing the PBL method(Problem Based Learning). In particular, this method allows students to make ‘Virtual Commission of Refugees’, and to debate and negotiate issues on their own.
Conclusion: This process intends for students to recognize that the refugee disputes are the problem which as a member of the global civil society, all of the people should consider and overcome for the public welfare and developments. For this reason, this study, in relation to our Global Citizenship Education(GCE) at school, tries to focus on finding out practical strategies for the solutions to the refugee disputes and to find practical syllabuses.