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Multicultural Education and Its Implications for Educational Leadership as an Introduction to Stimulating Management Quality: A Proposed Vision
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Cairo | 2011 | p. 379-404
Essam Jamal Selim Ghanem
Corporate author: 
Al-Azhar University
Arab States

The study discusses multiculturalism. It also works as an analytical review of the literature that dealt with multicultural education in terms of historical development, concept, dimensions, fields, roles of teachers, students, and multicultural educational programs, and the implications of that for educational leadership and the role they can play in activating the application of education multicultural.


Resource Type: 
Research papers / journal articles
Diversity / cultural literacy / inclusive
Globalisation and social justice / International understanding
Level of education: 
Higher education
Multicultural education
Global education
cultural diversity