Stakeholders in the field of media and information literacy (MIL), including museums, libraries, archives, academia, media organizations and private sector organizations, are invited to submit proposals for MIL-related exhibitions in the framework of Global MIL Week 2020. The exhibitions will be in line with the theme “Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for Everyone and by Everyone”. Proposals should present good practices, historical content, social and real-life stories, and educational resources related to the topic. They should be integrated and packaged in the format of curated audiovisual materials, giving audience a virtual exhibition experience. Selected exhibitions will be showcased virtually on the main online platform of Global MIL Week 2020. Participants can access them through the virtual exhibition booths on the platform.
Submit a proposal here, by 2 October 2020. Submitters of approved proposals will be contacted for submission of full exhibition content.
MIL learning can be more enjoyable when done through a combination of education and entertainment. Global MIL Week 2020 calls for such edutainment content related to MIL, as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to the increasing need to build citizens’ resilience to the disinfodemic.
Think how you could teach children, youth, adults and the elderly MIL skills in an informal and entertaining manner, create content, and share it with us.
The accepted formats include song, video, poetry, meme, GIF, illustration, and dance.
Give free reign to your creativity! Submit your content here, by 9 October 2020. UNESCO will publish and promote selected content on its social media channels.
Under the theme “Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for Everyone and, by Everyone”, Global MIL Week 2020 will respond to the exponentially increasing demand for MIL worldwide. It highlights the necessity of recognizing our shared interest in improving everyone’s competencies to interact with media, technology, and information, in order that they can be engaged in societies as critical-thinking citizens. It also underlines the pivotal role of MIL in fostering quality journalism, critical access to information and freedom of expression, which all have implications on how the war against disinformation can be overcome.