Beyond Disruption: Technology Enabled Learning Futures, will be the theme of UNESCO’s flagshipannual conference on digital learning (formerly known as Mobile Learning Week) this year. The online event will bring together the tech and education communities from 12 to 14 October.
Organized in partnership with the International Telecommunication Union and in collaboration with Ericsson, GIZ, Huawei, Microsoft, Norad, and ProFuturo. amidst the largest education disruption in history due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s conference, will focus on distance learning solutions to build back better. It will examine the medium and long-term implications of the learning crisis that forced 1.6 billion learners worldwide out of the classroom, and the challenges that lie ahead. The event will also share best practices and explore innovative solutions to resolve this crisis.
Over three days, discussions will focus on:
Day 1 - Effective policies – sharing policies and evaluating effectiveness: After months of large-scale experimentation with distance learning, panel discussions with high-level representatives of UN agencies, ministers, and experts will attempt to develop concrete forward-looking policy recommendations. It will feature a ministerial level panel to present various country-level responses. Ministers of Education from countries including Egypt, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia and South Sudan will speak of their national efforts to provision distance learning at unprecedented speed and scale.
Day 2 - Innovative solutions – showcasing innovative distance learning solutions will showcase solutions from sponsors and members of the Global Education Coalition, and feature exhibitions from technology providers. One highlight will be the EduTech keynote session focusing on the Khan Academy, whose Founder, Salman Khan, will share his experience in creating online educational tools.
Day 3 - The future – setting out policy and research agendas to build back better will explore how education systems can emerge from the crisis stronger and more resilient to future disruptions. Sessions will showcase successful policy interventions in India and Finland, solutions to build back more gender-equal education systems, and innovations to digitize educational content and pedagogy. The event will conclude with a high-level panel with ministers, parliamentarians, and high-level education stakeholders.
During the three days, breakout sessions and workshops of innovative distance learning solutions will be organized by UNESCO and its international partners.