Co-organized by APCEIU, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, and in partnership with UNESCO, the 5th International Conference on GCED (IConGCED) will be held from 3 to 5 November 2020. In response to the COVID-19 situation, the Conference will take place virtually on the IConGCED website and be live-streamed on YouTube.
Under the main theme of ‘Fostering Solidarity and Hope through GCED,’ the 5th IConGCED aims to enhance the audience’s understanding of key challenges and opportunities of GCED in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, it intends to explore the roles of GCED in addressing and improving situations, which can be deemed as “multiple pandemics (economic polarization, hatred, discrimination, racism, militarization, ecological and environmental issues, etc.)” and the ways GCED can contribute to revitalizing solidarity.
A provisional programme for the three-day virtual event is as follows:
5th IConGCED 3 - 5 November 2020 (Seoul, GMT+9) |
Day 1 (Tuesday, 3 November 2020) What issues should GCED address in times of Pandemic? |
Time |
Programme Details |
19:00-19:20 |
[Opening] |
19:20-19:50 |
[Keynote Speech 1] Global Solidarity against All Forms of Systematic Discrimination, Exclusion and Phobia |
19:50-20:20 |
[Keynote Speech 2] Towards Sustainability: Implications of Pandemic and How to Create the Future We All Want |
20:20-21:30 |
[Session 1] Rethinking GCED in a Time of ‘Multiple Pandemics’: Key Issues and Challenges |
Day 2 (Wednesday, 4 November 2020) Roles of GCED in Times of Crisis and Beyond |
Time |
Programme Details |
14:50-15:00 |
Introduction to the Day 2 |
15:00-16:00 |
[Session 2] Education for Anti-Discrimination and Social Justice |
16:00-16:05 |
Break |
16:05-16:55 |
[Session 3] Transformative Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development |
16:55-17:00 |
Break |
17:00-18:20 |
[Session 4] GCED for/through Media & Information Literacy (MIL) |
Day 3 (Thursday, 5 November 2020) Fostering Solidarity for Peace, Justice and Sustainability |
Time |
Programme Details |
14:50-15:00 |
Introduction to the Day 3 |
15:00-15:30 |
[Special Session] Virtual Expo : GCED in Action |
15:30-17:00 |
[Closing] Roundtable: “Next Normal” We Make |
By exchanging dialogues on up-to-date information and knowledge, and rich experiences to foster GCED, the IConGCED will open a new window of opportunities to strengthen the global network and enhance concrete partnerships despite the challenges caused by COVID-19 pandemic.
Approximately more than 1,000 participants of policy makers, teachers, and experts from academia, international organizations, and NGOs are expected to attend virtually. The 5th IConGCED is open to everyone who is interested in GCED and can register online through the IConGCED website from 23 October 2020.
* IConGCED website: http://gced.unescoapceiu.org/conference
* IConGCED YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCeuo9i1E0G-Ipt5A5GQMp4Q