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Preparing & Supporting Teachers to Meet the Challenges of 21st Century Learning in Asia-Pacific: Transversal Competencies in Education Policies and Practice
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Bangkok | 2016 | 4 p.
Corporate author: 
UNESCO Office Bangkok; Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific
Asia and the Pacific

Preparing and supporting teachers to meet the challenges of 21st century learning in Asia-Pacific. Transversal Competencies in Education Policies and Practice. This is a summary of ERI-Net’s Phase III research into transversal competencies in education policy and practice. The regional synthesis report will be published in December 2016.

Resource Type: 
International normative instruments / policy and advocacy documents
Curriculum, teaching-learning materials and guides
Civic / Citizenship / Democracy
Diversity / cultural literacy / inclusive
Globalisation and social justice / International understanding
Sustainable development / sustainability
Level of education: 
Primary education
Secondary education