

Assessing social-emotional education for student well-being: How to do it and for what purpose?
周二, 2021/08/10
Online (Santiago)

In order to provide more information regarding the first regional initiative to assess social-emotional skills in primary school students , and discuss how to further advance social-emotional education in the region, this webinar convenes experts who will talk about what is meant by social-emotional skills, how to measure them, and what value assessments of this type have. This instance is jointly organized by the Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago) and UNICEF LACRO.



  • To highlight the importance of developing socio-emotional skills as a goal in themselves, as key competencies for living rich and holistic lives, and relating to others in an increasingly diverse world.
  • Characterise the main existing social-emotional skills frameworks and the measurement tools associated with them, identifying convergences between them and the conclusions they have reached.
  • Discuss the existing challenges regarding social-emotional education, highlighting public policies and civil society initiatives that have been successful in promoting it.


Download the concept note and agenda (in Spanish)



Watch it via:

  • Zoom: access code: 626686
  • Youtube, OREALC/UNESCO Santiago channel:


