

Catching Up on Lost Learning — Part 1: Applying Accelerated Approaches in Response to COVID-19
周二, 2020/07/28

The webinar is organized jointly by INEE and the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG). Panelists will provide an overview of relevant definitions related to alternative education, key recommendations in light of COVID-19, and practical examples from multiple settings.


The discussion will focus on education options while highlighting new guidance from the AEWG, the COVID-19 decision tree and accompanying brief, COVID-19: Pathways for the Return to Learning, which feature program options and considerations for learners who have missed out on education due to the pandemic. The webinar will also be an opportunity for a wider discussion with INEE members through a moderated Q&A.


To further explore practical COVID-19 guidance in regard to accelerated education, Part 2 of this webinar will offer a presentation and Q&A session on AEWG considerations for practitioners for condensing curriculum the last week of August 2020.


This webinar will be conducted in English and all are welcome. Due to space limitations, only 500 participants can join live. Registration is free and easy using the link above. Once you register, a unique join URL will be sent to your email. A recording of the webinar will also be shared on the INEE website for those who cannot join live.


If you have any questions about the INEE COVID-19 response, please visit the INEE website or contact covid-19@inee.org.


Contact Email:  covid-19@inee.org


Register in advance for this webinar:


(After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on joining the webinar.)


