

The COVID-19 Pandemic of Disinformation and Hate Speech: How Can Education and Digital Citizenship Help?: COVID-19 Education Webinar #12
周五, 2020/06/05

A webinar to explore how education can support young people to navigate the online world in relation to civic engagement.

The webinar, part of the UNESCO COVID-19 Education Response webinar series, will bring together experts to discuss how young people navigate the current online environment and how it is affecting their civic participation, negatively as well as positively. In addition, the webinar will exchange ideas and resources that can feed into the educational responses, which can be taken during and after the current context of disruption to mitigate risks. More broadly, it will examine how education systems can promote skills, competencies, values and attitudes that will contribute to civic engagement, online as well as offline, based on respect for diversity and solidarity, empathy and non-discrimination.


Contact :

Karel Fracapane, Senior Project Officer, Division for Inclusion, Peace and Sustainable Development Email: k.fracapane@unesco.org


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