

The Voice of NGOs: "Global citizenship to spur inclusion and diversity"
周一, 2020/09/14
Online (Paris)

Can the concept of Global Citizenship then be an indispensable vehicle for finding solutions to current challenges?


The world is living an accelerated transformation of societies


Scientific and technological progress, the development of transport and communications across territorial boundaries, have revolutionized lifestyles. No one escapes from globalization. Our planet is suffering from major problems: numerous armed conflicts, the rise of violent extremism and increasing discrimination, considerable socio-economic differences between regions and within populations, worsening causes of poverty, disorderly migratory flows, pillage and waste of the planet’s resources as climate change threatens the future of the Earth’s ecosystem and its inhabitants. 


The preponderance of economic interests prevailed at the expense of social and ecological issues, which today leads to worldwide citizen reactions in favour of climate and for more social justice. There is a collective awareness that problems are common to people around the world and that they must be solved on a global scale. Can the concept of Global Citizenship then be an indispensable vehicle for finding solutions to current challenges? 


Since 2012, UNESCO has been developing the concept of Global Citizenship (GC). Recognizing the divergences of interpretation that do not yet allow a universally recognized definition or any legal status, UNESCO has moved towards a pragmatic approach to global citizenship through education (GCED).


NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO, including IAESTE,  highlighted two main issues to be addressed at the NGO’s Forum that aim to promote education for Sustainable Development (SDG4), a culture of non-violence, peace and living together: giving priority to listening, dialogue, reciprocity and generosity, while respecting Human Rights, to the cultural diversity that is a source of human and social enrichment, a living together that implies the notion of mutual responsibility. The Earth Charter, to which UNESCO refers, sets out a list of principles which could inspire civic engagement: respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, democracy, non-violence and peace.


To provide a platform for the exchange of experiences and innovative approaches on how to meet the challenges of “Global Citizenship”, by bringing together the views of policymakers, experts and civil society actors, especially young people the NGO’s have prepared a series of webinars: The Voice of NGOs.


We are happy to invite you for the first webinar: "The Voice of NGOs: Global citizenship to spur inclusion and diversity” that will take place on 14 September (Monday), 14:00 - 15:30 CEST (Paris time).


In order to facilitate your access to the webinar, please register in advance by clicking: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_s4MdYdwiTKCuDqTM8zSLMA


Language of the event: English/French, with simultaneous interpretation


