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Webinar: The promise of digital learning – does it make the grade for global citizenship education
Event Date: 
화, 2020/06/23
Online (London)
© IDEA Ireland

In the rush to promote digital tools for educational use, does technology trivialise serious issues such as access to justice, global trade or sustainable living?

Education has always had huge transformative power as a process that equips students to take critical, informed and empowered action.

What do we know about the contribution of digital technologies to school-based global citizenship education programmes and teaching?

What are the risks, strategies employed in the use of digital technologies for GCE, in addition to the advantages, challenges and risks associated with these endeavours?

Join this spotlight event to meet the researchers Maria Barry and Gabriela Martínez-Sainz who will launch Trócaire’s new research report and introduce their work on the interface of digital technologies and global citizenship education and explore its impact on teaching practice for practitioners during a global lockdown.

Research note: Digital Technologies to Advance Global Citizenship Education in Schools (forthcoming 2020) is published by the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education, Institute of Education, Dublin City University and Trócaire

An event brought to you by Trócaire, the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education, DCU and developmenteducation.ie


