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‘Youth Empowerment through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in The Gambia’: The TVET Policy Development Process and Methodology was successfully Launched

Photo: stakeholders participating in the TVET Development Launch online.


The long awaited TVET Policy and Strategy development process and methodology was successfully launched in The Gambia on 23 July 2020, using an online platform. The event was attended by 28 TVET stakeholders from the public and private sectors, constituting the National Technical Team responsible for the TVET Policy and Strategy Development, and the Technical and Steering Committees of the project.


Within the framework of the Youth Empowerment through TVET project being implemented in The Gambia, UNESCO’s TVET expert, Dr. Ayele M. Adubra, who will ensure leadership and capacity building for the development of a TVET Policy and Strategy, presented the steps tha will compose this activity: i) documentary review; ii) diagnosis/review  of the TVET system and labor market needs in The Gambia; iii) development of the new TVET Policy and Strategy;  and d) finalization and validation of the TVET Policy and Strategy. This national exercise will ensure a sovereign, participatory and inclusive process through which key stakeholders will collaboratively identify and define the country’s priorities in the various TVET dimensions. The National Technical Team will implement this activity with the guidance and support of Dr. M. Adubra.


The event was graced by the Deputy Permanent Secretary Technical of MoHERST, Mr. Yusupha Touray, who in deputizing for the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology stressed the Ministries’ desire to have a TVET policy that is aligned to the greater tertiary and higher education and sector education policies, The Gambia’s labor market needs as well as the regional and international protocols on TVET to ensure decent work for the youth and women. 


The Activity Deputy Focal Person and Manager of Corporate Services at the Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Therese S. Diarra, in her turn reassured the forum of the teams’ commitment to the course of this activity, which has potential to ensure skills and employability opportunities for youth and women in The Gambia. She underlined the importance of information sharing and transparency in ensuring the full participation of all stakeholders, including the private sector. 


The development of a TVET Policy and Strategy is expected to be completed in December 2020. It is one of the eight activities that compose the Youth Empowerment through TVET in The Gambia project, which strives to create an enabling environment for the youth, and especially girls, to find decent employment by providing them with lifelong learning opportunities as recommended by SDGs 4 and 8.


