The 2nd Phase of GCED Curriculum Development & Integration has officially kicked off with the International Bureau of Education(IBE-UNESCO) as well as the four partner countries(Cambodia, Colombia, Mongolia and Uganda)from 22-24th March at APCEIU GCE Hall.
Delegates from Cambodia, Colombia, Mongolia and Uganda shared the progress made during the 1stphase in setting up the GCED Curriculum Development & Integration Committee and carrying out a needs assessment and situational analysis of its curriculum.
The four countries proposed their 2nd phase action plan, which elaborated specific details and relevant information to fulfil the following goals: First, to integrate global citizenship into the curriculum and/or produce GCED materials according to their needs, and second, to conduct a pilot test of the output.
The kick-off meeting was successful with the enthusiastic participation of partner countries and IBE-UNESCO. This meeting will provide assistance in setting out a clear path for the year ahead. Also, it will aid further cementing every stakeholder’s resolve in implementing the course of action they came to adopt.
In addition, APCEIU had the opportunity to present its Policy Guide on Global Citizenship Education to gain feedback from the participants. The draft guide, which is due to be published later this year, is expected to serve as a frame of reference for policy makers. The main contents of the draft guide aim to integrate and strengthen GCED in educational policies, strategies and plans.