현재 위치


Meeting of the SDG-E2030 Regional Steering Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean


The Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago) organizes this meeting as the follow up to the commitments agreed within the framework of the “Cochabamba Agreements: Regional Solidarity for Achieving SDG4-E2030 in Latin America and the Caribbean” adopted at the II Regional Meeting of Ministers of Education, held in Cochabamba, Plurinational State of Bolivia, on July 2018.


As a result of the ”Cochabamba Agreements”, the ministers entrusted OREALC/UNESCO Santiago to facilitate the establishment and functioning of a coordination mechanism that will promote the implementation of the Roadmap and ensure representation, coordination and communication between the Ministries of Education of the Member States and other relevant regional actors.


As agreed, this regional coordination mechanism is composed of a Regional Steering Committee, four Working Groups and an Executive Secretariat, a role assigned to OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.


The Regional Steering Committee’s role is to ensure strong regional coherence, coordination (within the region and between regional and global levels) and collective work, so that countries and education partners in LAC move together towards achieving the E2030 targets.


The aim of the meeting is to operationalize the SDG-E2030 regional coordination mechanism, define the main lines of action for regional cooperation that will jumpstart the formation of the working groups, and formulate an action plan for 2019-2021 in the context of the Roadmap approved in the last ministerial meeting.


General objective
To constitute the SDG-E2030 regional coordination mechanism, form working groups and formulate an action plan for the period 2019-2021 in the context of the SDG-E2030 Roadmap approved during the II Regional Meeting of Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean held in Cochabamba, Plurinational State of Bolivia, in July 2018.


Specific objectives

  • To share results and documents from the II Regional Meeting of Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean (2018).


  • To report and assess the progress made on the coordination of the Education 2030 agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean for 2017-2018.


  • Operationalize the committee according to its terms of reference and agree on a calendar of meetings for 2019.


  • Analyze trends and emerging issues related to the implementation of the SDG-E2030 Agenda in the region.


  • Initiate and define the tasks of the working groups with the identification of priority themes and actions to be implemented within the framework of the E2030 regional roadmap.


  • Design an action plan for the period 2019-2021 within the framework of the SDG-E2030 Roadmap for Latin America and the Caribbean.


