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UNESCO Almaty organized sessions on Education for Sustainable Development for OSCE Regional School on Multilingual and Multicultural Education
Participants of Regional School © UNESCO


The OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities, in cooperation with the National Center for Professional Development “Orleu” of Kazakhstan, organized a Regional School on "Multilingual and Multicultural Education for Integration and Sustainable Development. Key Aspects of Effective Implementation" from 3 to 7 December 2018 in Almaty. Within the framework of this Regional School, UNESCO Almaty organized practical sessions on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

The objectives of the School included the promotion of balanced multilingual and multicultural education programs for sustainable development, the promotion of multilingual and multicultural education on competency-based approach for advancing SDG4, etc. More than 120 participants, including teachers, principals, teacher educators and trainers, representatives of the ministries of education and science of Central Asia, Mongolia, Georgia and international experts from Ukraine and Estonia as well as representatives of international organizations attended the School.

The sessions on ESD by UNESCO were organized in the framework of The School’s Group 4 "Multicultural Education in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG4) and Global Citizenship Education ". For these sessions, UNESCO presented practical and interactive methods for mainstreaming Education for Sustainable Development, including Disney’s three chairs method, reverse brainstorming, etc. Based on the example of exercises for developing problem-solving and collaboration skills and various topics of ESD and GCED, practical approaches on mainstreaming key competencies for sustainable development were demonstrated. As part of the Group 4 work, other experts also presented the courses such as "Culture of good neighborhood" as the best practice from Ukraine in implementing ESD and GCED, "Stereotypes and their impact on perception", etc.

As a result of the joint work, draft guidelines and methodological materials have been developed for assisting countries in implementing multilingual programs at different levels of education, taking into account ESD, the mechanisms for further cooperation between members of the regional network of schools, universities and teacher training centers have been adopted and agreed by participants of the School.

Related information: Improving Multilingual and Multicultural Education in Central Asia 


