12 October 2021, UNESCO will organize a one-day seminar for the adaptation and piloting of an institutional media and information literacy strategy in the National Public Service Broadcaster KTRK by applying Media and Information Literacy: A Policy and Strategy Guide. At the same time in the working group journalism teachers from Kyrgyzstani academia going to adapt UNESCO model curricula for media and information literacy. Both groups jointly with Media NGOs will discuss peculiarities of the implementation of the strategy and guidelines at the institutional level. The event is integrated into Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2021.
Public Service Broadcasters play a role in educating the public about media and information literacy through radio and television programming. In Kyrgyzstan, such a broadcaster is KTRK, which operates in cooperation with public media outlets across the country. KTRK's editorial policies and operations must be prepared to integrate media and information literacy strategies and policies to fulfill such responsibilities.
Journalism training institutions are preparing to apply internationally recognized model curricula on media and information literacy for journalists. Adaptation of existing media and information literacy training materials available at UNESCO will lead to the development of a local training guide towards the MIL integration process in Kyrgyzstan. 30 participants from the media sector will assist citizens, and especially young people from rural areas became more connected and aware of the mechanisms that define their digital presence and interaction and information production online and offline.