

7th Global Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED
周二, 2022/08/30 - 周三, 2022/09/07


APCEIU invites dedicated educators from Official Development Aid (ODA) recipient countries to its Global Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED. This Workshop will offer online-based intensive training opportunities to participants, helping them to learn about key aspects and competences of global citizenship with a focus on social and emotional learning(SEL).


< How to Apply >


Step 1) Take the pre-requisite e-learning course 'Prerequisite Course for the 7th Global Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED for Teacher Educators' 
           at GCED Online Campus : https://www.gcedonlinecampus.org/_HTML/closed_course_view.php?id=93
             * All applicants MUST complete the course before submitting the application and attach the certificate to the application.

Step 2) Submit the application form HERE
             * Application Deadline: 14 August 2022(KST)


Also, APCEIU holds an information session for those who wish to know more about the Workshop as follows.

          Title: Information Session for the 7th Global Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED
          Time: 29 July 2022 17:00~18:00 (KST)
          Session Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89748568819?pwd=V1NGNm1tUUJjcTA0cFkwUkZqbkFQQT09 (ID: 897 4856 8819 / PW: 178762)
           *    It is an optional session open to all, and NOT required for all applicants to attend.
           ** Information Session materials (recorded video and presentation material) are going to be uploaded to the above-mentioned pre-requisite e-learning course

Do you want to know more about APCEIU's new training programmes? Please watch this video clip!
[Introducing APCEIU's Training] http://www.gcedonlinecampus.org/mod/ubboard/article.php?id=10&bid=6&bwid=4022

For any inquiries, contact the Office of Education and Training (training@unescoapceiu.org">training@unescoapceiu.org)


URL: http://www.unescoapceiu.org/post/4524