

Science for Peace Declaration calls for responsible use of knowledge for peaceful development

The 2017 World Science Forum brought together more than 1,000 delegates from 120 countries to discuss critical global issues and the potential of science to address them holistically on 07-10 November in Jordan. The concluding Science for Peace Declaration is global call for action to strengthen the ties between science and society to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is a reflection on “the role of science in building a future that promises greater equality, security and opportunity for all, and in which science plays an increasingly prominent role as an enabler of fair and sustainable development.”


The Declaration defines peace as “far more than the absence of conflict. It implies an absence of fear and the full realization of a whole and healthy life. It encompasses an equal access to the resources and potential of our planet.”



It is built on five principles:

         · The equitable and sustainable management of natural resources is essential to avoid conflicts and to promote peaceful development;

         · The preservation of scientific capacities, threatened by global migration trends, is key to peace, sustainable development, resilience and recovery;

         · Diversity is a key enabler of excellence in science, technology and innovation and is essential to optimise its relevance and impact;

         · A commitment to the fulfilment of the universal right to science, and

         · Support of the launch of a regional science forum for the Arab World.


The Declaration, adopted by the representatives of the scientific community, policy-makers, industry and civil society together, is a commitment to the responsible and ethical use of scientific knowledge in addressing the great challenges facing humankind.


The 8th World Science Forum was organized under the leadership of the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan, together with the founding organisations: UNESCO, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the International Council for Science (ICSU). Organized every two years, the World Science Forum is one of the leading events of global science policy today. It serves as a platform for dialogue between the scientific community, policy-makers and representatives of industry and the civil society on emerging issues affecting science, policy and society, to set out the common tasks ahead in tackling these issues.

