

Capacity-building on Media and Information Literacy in Palestine
周三, 2017/10/25 - 周日, 2017/12/31
Ramallah and Gaza (TBD), Palestine

Within the support by the EU-funded NET-MED Youth Project (www.netmedyouth.org (link is external)), which is implemented by UNESCO in 10 Southern Mediterranean countries, including Palestine, and the “Promoting democracy and freedom of expression” project, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and implemented by UNESCO in the Arab region, UNESCO Ramallah will support the implementation of an activity in Palestine that will enhance Media and Information Literacy competencies among young women and men, thus contributing to mutual understanding, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue and non-violence. The launch of the activity will also serve to commemorate Global Media and Information Literacy Week1 in Palestine
The main objective of the activity will be to empower young Palestinian women and men aged 15 - 17 who are school students, by enhancing their media and information literacy competencies through capacity building; while also contributing to the development of a national MIL policy and related strategies, including the adaptation of the UNESCO MIL Curriculum for Teachers for systemic implementation of concrete MIL activities in Palestine.


It is also important to ensure youth engagement in social and democratic discourse, tolerance and peace-building after having acquired MIL competencies. Youth involvement in UNESCO MIL CLICKS shall thus be facilitated

