현재 위치


UNESCO Campus "UNESCO Today"
Event Date: 
화, 2018/01/16
Paris, France

CAMPUS UNESCO "UNESCO TODAY" will take place January 16th, 2018 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am at UNESCO Headquarters, 125 Avenue de Suffren, Paris, Room II.

During this CAMPUS, UNESCO and non-UNESCO speakers will propose a discussion about the role, missions and actions of UNESCO by debating with 300 students, in historical and contemporary perspectives.

UNESCO is responsible for coordinating international cooperation in education, science, culture and communication.


The discussion will be focused on four topics:

  • the role of UNESCO;

  • cultural diversity and protection of heritage;

  • goals of the Agenda 2030 for the sustainable development of the United Nations and the UNESCO.



  • Frederick Russell-Rivoallan, senior Liaison Officer in the Sector of External Relations and Public Information of UNESCO.

  • Livio Garuccio, UNESCO expert in partnerships for heritage preservation.

  • Yacine Ait Kaci, author, director and media artist, creator of Elyx (2011), first digital Ambassador of the United Nations.

Debate moderated by Victoria Dellinger, Public Relations and Partnerships Officer, manager of UNESCO CAMPUSES.


ABOUT CAMPUS UNESCO: To put the expertise of UNESCO teams and partners at the service of the youth for a better understanding of major contemporary issues. Young people exchange on different themes with 3 experts on this issue. Moderation and one of the experts are from UNESCO, others are civil society voluntary speakers. Since 2014, 50 CAMPUSES raised awareness to over 15,000 young people. On major themes such as: sports and citizenship, peace, sustainable development, human rights, girls’ education, genocides, freedom of expression and cultural heritage.


The Campus program is supported by la Fondation d’Entreprise ENGIE.




Theme page:

Building Knowledge Societies

