UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA) staff undertook a gender equality training workshop from 29-30 May 2018 in Harare, Zimbabwe and committed to promote gender equality. The training equipped the staff with knowledge and skills to foster gender equality in their work.
Speaking at end of the training workshop, UNESCO Regional Director for Southern Africa, Professor Hubert Gijzen urged staff to put into practice the knowledge and skills gained from the workshop.
“We have gained a lot, learnt a lot and it’s now time for action,” he said.
“Let us commit to build on the actions we started in this training and ensure that we champion gender equality in all our work,” added Prof. Gijzen.
The training which was delivered by the UNESCO Division for Gender Equality in the Office of the Director General, explored key gender equality concepts, the UNESCO gender equality marker, gender mainstreaming and how to advocate for gender equality.
To put into practice the various concepts taught, group sessions were held. Staff looked at the various work plans developed by the Office and evaluated their gender sensitivity. They also did the same with project concept notes developed by the Office. Several recommendations on improving these documents were put forward and will be used to refine the documents in the coming days.
Gender is one of the two UNESCO global priorities. UNESCO believes that all forms of discrimination based on gender are violations of human rights, as well as a significant barrier to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Women and men must enjoy equal opportunities, choices, capabilities, power and knowledge as equal citizens. Equipping girls and boys, women and men with the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills to tackle gender disparities is a precondition to building a sustainable future for all.
For more information, please contact: f.manenji(at)unesco.org or p.awopegba@unesco.org.