현재 위치


Religious Traditions and Models of Citizenship Education: The Heritage of a Normative Universe
출판지역 | 출판년도 | 페이지: 
Québec | 2015 | p. 87-103
ISSN 1703-8480 (numérique)
Félix Mathieu; Guy Laforest
단체 저자: 
Politique et Sociétés
유럽 및 북미

This article explores the significant links existing between France’s, England’s, and Quebec’s citizenship education curriculum and their respective religious traditions, which all derive from Christianity, that is their core and common affiliation. Based on the premise that religion, as a cultural fact, leaves a profound and lasting imprint on contemporary societies, the authors show that the values and ideals issued from those religious traditions are more or less transposed into the French’s, English’s and Québécois’s models of citizenship education.

자료 타입: 
교육과정, 교수학습 자료∙가이드
연구 보고서 / 학술논문
시민 / 시민성 / 민주주의
다양성 / 문화 이해력 / 포용성
교육 분야: 