현재 위치


L'Education pour le développement durable: ouvrage de référence
출판지역 | 출판년도 | 페이지: 
Paris | 2012 | 53p
ISBN 978-92-3-001079-9
단체 저자: 
전 세계 대상

The target audiences for the Education for Sustainable Development Sourcebook are primary and secondary teachers and mid-level decision-makers, who have responsibility for primary and secondary education. Another primary audience is teacher educators who work with pre-service and in-service primary and secondary school teachers. The purpose of the publication is to describe ways in which education for sustainable development (ESD) can be integrated into primary and secondary schooling. This collection of briefs is designed to complement other ESD materials published by UNESCO. The topics for the briefs were selected in consultation with UNESCO Field Offices and Institutes. The briefs for primary and secondary teachers are specifically written for professional educators who work in formal education settings. The briefs for teachers as well as those for decision-makers address “gaps” in the UNESCO ESD literature.

자료 타입: 
교육과정, 교수학습 자료∙가이드
지속가능한 발전 / 지속가능성
education for sustainable development