현재 위치


Climate & SDGs Synergy Conference
Event Date: 
월, 2019/04/01 ~ 수, 2019/04/03


The Global Conference on Strengthening Synergies between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (informally the Climate & SDGs Synergy Conference), organized by UN DESA and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate, Denmark, aims to align the climate and SDG processes, and stimulate action from stakeholders at the global, regional and country levels to maximize co-benefits. Limiting global warming to 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels, including through scaling up climate action towards both adaptation and mitigation, is an imperative critical to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. The conference will examine how best to advance joined-up efforts for both the SDGs and climate action at the global, regional and country levels, thus also helping to scale up levels of ambition towards these objectives.


Participants at this Conference, to be held from 1 to 3 April in Copenhagen, will identify specific examples to illustrate the potential of synergistic and interlinked approaches towards realizing the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, including through analyses of National Development Plans, NDCs, NAPs, National Risk Reduction Strategies among others). They will also analyze gaps and challenges (including trade-offs), and make a set of concrete recommendations for strengthening synergies, increasing ambition, advancing implementation action, maximizing co-benefits and stimulating multi-stakeholder partnerships. These will include directing means of implementation towards more joined-up action; as well as scaling up and enhancing the mobilization of resources that could benefit sustainable development at large including climate action, as well as ensuring effective use of resources and avoiding duplication.


These discussions will advance synergies in implementation towards the SDGs and climate action, and will be considered as part of the review of SDG 13 Climate Action during its in-depth review at the 2019 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in July. In addition, the conference expects to help raise ambition towards new or updated NDCs by 2020. The Conference will also provide a unique opportunity for peer-to-peer exchange of information and experiences. It is anticipated that implementing partners will be motivated to translate these into concrete results on the ground, and follow-up events could also be held to continue peer-to-peer learning and exchanges.


