현재 위치


Teaching for Global Competence in a Rapidly Changing World
출판지역 | 출판년도 | 페이지: 
Paris; New York | 2018 | 35 p.
ISBN 978-1-936123-11-7
Richard Lee Colvin; Virginia Edwards
단체 저자: 
Asia Society; OECD
전 세계 대상

Educators and education systems worldwide are reassessing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions students need for success in today's rapidly changing and complex world. In a remarkable moment of global consensus, the member states of both the United Nations (UN), through its adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), through its Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2018, prioritized education for global citizenship and global competence.
The OECD and the Center for Global Education at Asia Society have worked with academics, educators, and stakeholders in the global education field over several years to define global competence for primary and secondary education. The Center also has extensive experience supporting educators to integrate global competence into their teaching.
A new publication from both organizations, entitled Teaching for Global Competence in a Rapidly Changing World, sets forward a new framework for global competence developed by OECD, which aligns closely with the definition developed by the Center for Global Education, and provides practical guidance and examples of how educators can embed global competence into their existing curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

자료 타입: 
교육과정, 교수학습 자료∙가이드
시민 / 시민성 / 민주주의
다양성 / 문화 이해력 / 포용성
세계화 및 사회 정의 / 국제 이해
지속가능한 발전 / 지속가능성
교육 분야: 