

World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth 2019 and Youth Forum Lisboa+21
周四, 2019/06/13
© Lisboa+21


When, local time: Saturday, 22 June 2019 - 9:00am to Sunday, 23 June 2019 - 2:00pm

Where: Portugal, Lisbon

Type of Event: Meeting by Member States or Institutions

Contact: Maria Kypriotou, m.kypriotou@unesco.org; Executive Secretariat Lisboa+21, info@lisboa21.gov.pt


21 years after the adoption of the Lisbon Declaration on Youth Policies and Programmes, the "World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth 2019 and Youth Forum Lisboa+21" will provide space for national governments and young women and men, to discuss progress made since 1998, current opportunities and challenges, as well as innovative and operational approaches to enhance the relevance of policies and programmes affecting youth, within the context of Agenda 2030.


The Conference and Youth Forum will jointly finalize a renewed Ministerial commitment towards building effective, innovative and evidence-informed policies and programmes with and for youth.


In line with its Operational Strategy on Youth 2014-2021, UNESCO is endorsing the Conference and is committed to supporting its preparation, running and follow-up.



UNESCO Youth Programme

Official Website of the World Conference (link is external)


Theme page: 

Social and Human Sciences

Culture of Peace and Non-violence

Democracy and Global Citizenship

Social Transformations
