현재 위치


Everyone a leader: Regional Seminar on Innovative School Leadership and SDG 4.7


School leadership matters. In the first instance, school leadership is usually seen to belong only to school principals, particularly in light of statements such as “the principal is the nerve centre of school improvement”, which is frequently quoted in research studies.


The roles and responsibilities of school principals are not limited to human and financial resource management within the school perimeter, but include instructional leadership that has to keep pace with the complex challenges of the 21st century and beyond.


Nonetheless, the scope of school leadership extends beyond the school principals. Delegates at the 9th International Summit on the Teaching Profession, held in March 2019 in in Helsinki, Finland pointed to the “centrality of shared leadership at every level of education systems: teacher leadership, school leadership and system leadership”.


Embracing a broader concept of school leadership will surely contribute to the development of effective strategies for schools to respond to the challenges and demands of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Recognizing the importance of school leadership, UNESCO Bangkok convened regional seminar with school leaders, teachers, students and policymakers in the Asia-Pacific region on 26-28 June 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand.


The seminar enhanced the understanding of school leadership, identified and shared innovative practices to contribute to the SDGs in general and SDG 4.7 in particular, and explored systems thinking principles to enhance distributed/shared leadership.


Download the presentations HERE.


For more information:

Lay-Cheng Tan



