현재 위치


UAE SDG Photography Award
Event Date: 
수, 2019/07/31
©International Competitions 2019


The Secretariat of the UAE National Committee on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), in collaboration with Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA), has launched the first UAE SDG Photography Award.


The SDG Photography Award aims to create global awareness around the SDGs, through the lenses of photographers of all levels. Amateurs, enthusiasts, semiprofessionals and professional photographers are invited to participate. The categories for submission are People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships. The award is set to capture the global challenges as well as possible solutions. Entries should be submitted by 31 July 2019.


The photos will be used to raise awareness of SDGs and inspire change. A curated selection will be published in a book to be launched in the first quarter of 2020. Updates can be found on social media by following @UAESDGs and @hipaae.



date: 31 July 2019

location: virtual

URL: http://www.hipa.ae/en/uae-sdg-photography-award/introduction