

Global Citizenship for Campus, Community, and Careers
周四, 2019/10/17 - 周六, 2019/10/19
Texas, United States
© 2019 AAC&U


Theme: Crossing Borders and Boundaries


Date: October 17, 2019 to October 19, 2019


Venue: Hyatt Regency San Antonio, 123 Losoya Street San Antonio, TX 78205


Global Citizenship for Campus, Community, and Careers will explore practical and theoretical approaches to global learning at the course, departmental, and institutional levels. Participants will have opportunities to examine ways to make global learning experiences more inclusive through presentations on assignment design, assessment, learning outcomes, program development, and campus collaborations, with a focus on supporting and guiding students as they move through college and into their career paths. Models from institutions of all types will also highlight a range of practices for ethical engagement with communities and organizations (including nonprofits, corporations, healthcare facilities, and educational centers) in experiential learning, both locally and globally to prepare students for meaningful interactions in their emerging professions, disciplines, and life as community members. The conference will also serve as a forum where strategies for global engagement inside and outside the United States will be discussed along with how different countries approach global learning for community engagement and career preparation. In reflective and action-oriented conversation, the conference will address challenges brought about by the prevailing nationalist rhetoric in the United States, particularly attacks on globalism as unAmerican and the need for our institutions to make undocumented and international students visible in ways that foster belonging.


