현재 위치


UNGA 2019: The Next Frontier for Education in Emergencies
Event Date: 
월, 2019/09/23
New York


Event Date: Monday, September 23, 2019 - 15:00

The GEM Report in partnership with FHI 360 and the LEGO Foundation, is hosting an event for governments, donors, researchers and practitioners to discuss promising practices and new directions in social-emotional learning.


The event will highlight:

  • The importance of ensuring that education systems address the trauma that many migrant and refugee children face in their journeys to new countries
  • The need for safe, nurturing and responsive learning environments, both formal and nonformal
  • Better training, including social-emotional learning, for teachers who provide psychosocial support to children who experience traumatic events


Drawing on the findings of the GEM Report’s policy paper Education as healing: Addressing the trauma of displacement through social and emotional learning and showcasing new interactive learning through play approaches championed by the LEGO Foundation, participants will commit to supporting promising initiatives and approaches in social-emotional learning that have the potential for large-scale impact in fragile and humanitarian contexts.



