현재 위치


Global citizenship: from public support to active participation
출판지역 | 출판년도 | 페이지: 
Amsterdam | 2012 | 44p
ISBN 978-90-74612-00-5
Christine Carabain; Shelena Keulemans; Marije van Gent; Gabi Spitz
단체 저자: 
National Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development (NCDO)
유럽 및 북미

This publication explores the concept of global citizenship by drawing on the most relevant, mainly scientific, literature. This exploration will in the coming years be the basis for NCDO’s programmes in the area of research, staff training, and knowledge sharing. NCDO has the important task of engaging people in these two major changes in perspective: what does it mean, how important is it to us, how can we contribute to it? NCDO considers it its responsibility to raise awareness amongst Dutch citizens of the growing connection and mutual dependency between people across the globe, as well as to make them aware of the opportunities they have to help tackle global issues. In other words: NCDO aims to advance the global dimension of citizenship in the Netherlands. But what exactly is that global dimension of citizenship? Despite growing awareness of the importance of global citizenship, a clear and broadly accepted definition of the concept is still lacking (Hart, 2011). To date the concept is often explained by using examples and focus areas. This publication will present the definition of global citizenship that NCDO will employ in the coming period.

자료 타입: 
연구 보고서 / 학술논문
시민 / 시민성 / 민주주의
다양성 / 문화 이해력 / 포용성
세계화 및 사회 정의 / 국제 이해
평화 / 평화의 문화
지속가능한 발전 / 지속가능성
변혁적 이니셔티브 / 변혁적 교수법
global citizenship
human rights