현재 위치


Seminar on "Capacity building and research in gender equality. New Challenges, Opportunities and Collaborations"
Event Date: 
월, 2019/12/16 ~ 수, 2019/12/18
Nairobi, Kenya

The Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme (GEST Programme), the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, the MOST Programme and the Kenyan National Commission for UNESCO will co-organize a seminar on “New Challenges, Opportunities and Collaborations” which will contribute to UNESCO’s two global priorities: Gender Equality and Africa.


Under the overall objectives to contribute to UNESCO’s two global priorities on Gender Equality and Africa, the specific objectives of the seminar are:


  • To launch the co-operation with GEST, which will be an important partner for SHS and in particular MOST both in terms of visibility and impact.
  • Build up a network drawing on GEST alumni and experts which can contribute to key MOST activities such as MOST Ministerial Forums and Schools, capacity building and research-policy impact in Africa.
  • To create a platform for knowledge sharing aimed at implementing gender-focused projects.
  • To address challenges and implications occurring while promoting gender equality and how to overcome these challenges.


The specific themes of the conference will be:


  • Gender and higher education;
  • Gender and Climate change and
  • Men and masculinities


Among the keynote speakers will be Dr. N’Dri Therese Assie-Lumumba, Professor Africana Studies and Research Center, Cornell University.


Among the participants will be Dr. Misigo Amatsimbi, Board Chairman, the Kenyan National Commission for UNESCO, Ms Evangelina Njorka, Secretary-General, the KNATCOM, Dr Irma Jóhanna Erlingsdóttir, Director, Gender Equality Studies and Training (GEST) Programme, Ms Ângela Melo, Director, Policies and Programmes, UNESCO, Dr. Mary Khimulu, former Ambassador of Kenya to UNESCO and Chairperson for a UNESCO Category II Center in Kenya, distinguished Professors from the University of Nairobi, representatives from the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, UN Women, African Institute for Development Policy and several GEST alumni.


