by the Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030 (CCNGO-Ed2030)
In just three months, the number of global COVID-19 cases has rapidly increased to almost 2 million as of April 16. It has gone beyond a health crisis, affecting all sectors from social to financial. With more than 1.5 billion learners out of school across 191 countries, the full ramifications of COVID-19 on education and learning are still unfolding.
Civil society and NGOs are the eyes and ears on the ground during this COVID-19 learning crisis and highlight five needs post-crisis:
The CCNGO-Ed2030 members raise the flag on school closures causing:
About the CCNGO-Ed2030
The Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030 (CCNGO-Ed2030), made up of partners from all regions, is UNESCO’s key mechanism for dialogue, reflection and partnership with NGOs. Its Coordinating Group is comprised of 10 elected members: Mercedes Mayol Lassalle, World Organisation for Early Childhood Education and Care (OMEP), Refat Sabbah, Global Campaign for Education (GCE), Rasheda Choudhury, Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE), Kouame Paulin Jr., Ivorian Network for the Promotion of Education for All, Samuel Ndembele, Africa Network Campaign on Education For All (ANCEFA), Hala Gubbaj, Teacher creativity center (TCC), Christoph Jost, European Association for the Education of Adults (DVV International), Maria Khan, Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE), Blanca Cecília Gomez, Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación (CLADE), Marie-Claude Machon Honore, UNESCO NGO liaison Committee.
See the CCNGO-Ed2030's working procedures and if interested in joining the network apply via this form (available in French and English).
Related links:
Civil society: Social and political action to prioritize education on political agendas - information and links about the Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030's Global Meeting of December 2019.