The overarching aim of this evaluation is to assess the impact of DFID‟s Global School Partnerships (GSP) programme on levels of global awareness and attitudes to global issues in pupils attending GSP schools in the UK.
This main aim can be broken down into four subsidiary aims, namely:
1. to measure levels of global awareness and attitudes to global issues amongst pupils taking part in GSP programme activities
2. to compare awareness levels and attitudes among pupils in GSP schools with those of pupils in non-GSP schools
3. to evaluate whether the impact of GSP on global awareness and attitudes to global issues differs depending on pupils‟ ages and educational stages (e.g. at primary versus secondary level)
4. to assess whether levels of awareness and attitudes amongst participating pupils change as the GSP programme becomes more embedded in schools (i.e. whether, over time, the programme has a positive, neutral or negative impact on pupil levels of development awareness).