현재 위치


Training: Communicating and mainstreaming the SDGs within your organisation
Event Date: 
금, 2020/06/19
Online (Paris)
© Bridge 47

In this workshop we look at how to promote and mainstream the Sustainable Development Goals within your company/organisation. How to take topics like GCE and the SDGs from one person's work desk, and further to the activities of the organisation more broadly. 


Join the online workshop, and learn more about: 

  • How to identify the SDGs most relevant to you across different fields of action.
  • What are the largest positive and negative impacts of your organisation?
  • How to mainstream the SDGs into all parts of your work.
  • How to effectively reach the goals set in regard to sustainability and GCE.
  • How to identify new ways to make your contribution towards the SDGs and GCE (through things such as trainings, services, products or investments).
  • How to make your strategies and reporting on the SDGs more effective.


The training is a good fit for both private sector and NGOs, who want to strengthen their messages and the impact of their work through the sustainable development goals and global citizenship education. We do expect you to have basic knowledge of the SDGs.


The training is in English, although mostly targeted towards an Estonian audience (for example, using examples of statistics from Estonia etc).


Participation fee: 30€ (15€ for a member of the Coalition for SDGs or Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation)


Register your participation here


Deadline for registration: 16th of June 2020. Limited number of spots available!


Additional information: Kristen Aigro, kristen@terveilm.ee


