현재 위치


26th Session of the Youth Assembly Virtual
Event Date: 
수, 2020/07/22
Online (New York)

There will be a virtual presentation of the 2020 GEM Report Inclusion and Education: All Means All  in:





  • Vivian Onano, Global Education Monitoring Report, Youth Advisor, UNESCO

  • Lane Kenworthy, Professor of Sociology and Yankelovich Chair in Social Thought, University of California-San Diego

  • Christopher J. Stanfill, Senior Director, Learning & Evaluation, Pencils of Promise

  • Jihane Lahbabi-Berrada, CEO, Education For Employment – Morocco

  • Sam Loni, Founder & Director, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth (SDSN Youth)

  • Moderator: Yumna Khan, Youth Development Specialist, Friendship Ambassadors Foundation


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