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Call for Participation: Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Youth Survey in Asia and the Pacific

There are more than 1.2 billion youth aged 15 to 24 years in the world, or 16 percent of the global population. Over 60 percent of the world’s youth lives in Asia and the Pacific region. Their voices, their challenges, and their ambitions are important not only in a distant future of the world but also right now in this moment. One area that is important to have the representation of youth is in communication and information. This would encompass matters related to freedom of expression, access to information, ICTs, artificial intelligence, and media and information literacy (MIL). In particular, MIL is seen as a possible measure in countering the spread disinformation and misinformation that has been steadily increasing in the past decade. The current COVID-19 infodemic is only the latest in the long line of situations where disinformation and misinformation have reared its ugly head that has been accelerated by ubiquitous social media. Youth that are tech-savvy and media and information literate can be a powerful force in altering the current trajectory of communication and information landscape. Critically minded youth who can access accurate quality information can be a stalwart against the scourge of disinformation and misinformation.


Call for young advocates for the future of MIL in Asia and the Pacific

In this context and under the theme “Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for everyone and by everyone” of the 2020 MIL Week, UNESCO is conducting a regional survey to shape young generation’s views on MIL education and to start building the network of young MIL advocates in Asia and the Pacific. All the individuals between 15 and 24 years old and youth organizations in Asia and the Pacific are invited to respond to the 2-minute survey by the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MILYouthSurvey or by scanning the QR code below.


QR code

The survey is open until 12 October 2020.


Main photo credit: ©Shutterstock/Dragon Images


