현재 위치


Youth against gender-based violence
Event Date: 
수, 2020/11/25

The Event


This Master Class targets secondary education students (14-18 years old) and their teachers, but observers are welcome.


When: 25 November, 10:00am to 12:30pm CET

Interpretation: English, French

Join the meeting here (Password: 401973)


  • To empower young people, including young men and boys alongside young women and girls, through this peer-learning forum by building their understanding and capacity to combat VAWG;
  • To draw attention and visibility to, and understand how and why harmful gender norms and VAWG are being spread in all their forms online and offline, in the media, in public space and all spheres of life;
  • To engage youth to become proactive agents of change and trainers within their own schools, families and communities for a sustainable impact;
  • To inspire policymakers, at the global, national and local levels, and community leaders and teachers to pursue collective efforts in the fight against VAWG.


Click here to join the Master Class against gender-based violence
Password: 401973


To register to the Master Class or should you have any question, kindly contact: l.bensoussan@unesco.org(link sends e-mail) and s.garance@unesco.org(link sends e-mail) and indicate which school or institution you are affiliated with. More information on UNESCO’s Master Classes here.


