

UCD, UN SDSN & SUNWAY SIDE EVENT- UN YOUTH FORUM – Education for Sustainable Development: The Role of Higher Education
周二, 2021/04/06
Online (Dublin)
© UCD Centre for Sustainable Development Studies

10th UN Economic and Social Council Youth Forum :A Decade of Action: Building a Resilient Recovery



Education for Sustainable Development: The Role of Higher Education


6th April 2021  5pm, Dublin Time




Our world faces multiple challenges, some new and many enduring, including pandemics, rising global temperatures, unemployment, and inequality. Are you keen to be part of crafting and implementing solutions to the big challenges of our times? If yes, join us to discuss education pathways that will help prepare you with the tools, skills, and knowledge to build a fulfilling and challenging life tackling the world’s biggest challenges.


Objectives of the side event


To outline the role of Higher Education to create education pathways that create knowledge and the virtues to achieve Target 4.7 by 2030. Target 4.7 “By 2030 ensure all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development


Questions for presentations and discussion


How can teaching training colleges in Universities orient teacher training towards sustainable development?


How can Universities work with Departments of Education to orient curriculum and state examinations towards sustainable development?


What are good examples of open access entry to undergraduate and postgraduate programs on Sustainable Development?  


What are good examples of career pathways for graduates of universities in the public and private sector in the area of Sustainable Development?


How do Universities missions have measurable impact on sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity?


  • Format and Agenda  (1 hour)


Prof Patrick Paul Walsh ( Chair )


University College Dublin & Senior Advisor SDSN


3 X 5 min talks


Ms. Chandrika Bahadur, Vice President of Education SDSN & Director of the SDG Academy


Mr. Ramu Damodaran, Chief, United Nations Academic Impact


Prof Wing Thye Woo, President, Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia


Student Panel- 30 Minutes


Samantha Andrades and Patrick Walsh –  ECO UNESCO and BLACKROCK COLLEGE


Subattra Kanesan, Steven Sim Chee Keong, Ahmad Afandi, Kong Phui Yi and Anthony Tan – SUNWAY UNIVERSITY


Meabh De Courcy Mac Donnell, Ellen McKenna, Rachael McAreavey, Rosemary McLoughlin and Laura Hamm – UNIVESITY COLLEGE DUBLIN


Q&A for 15 mins


  • Registration link 

You are invited to an UCD  Zoom meeting. When: Apr 6, 2021 05:00 PM Dublin


Register in advance for this meeting:



After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


