

AVETRA Annual Conference 2021
周一, 2021/04/19 - 周五, 2021/04/23

Recover, rethink and rebuild: All eyes on VET


19-23 April, 2021 - ONLINE


AVETRA’s 23rd Annual Conference - Recover, Rethink, Rebuild: All Eyes on VET - will be fully-online and delivered over five days: 19 – 23 April 2021. We have taken the unique opportunity offered by the virtual platform to invite speakers from around the world. Confirmed keynotes are: Ewart Keep (Oxford University), Sai Loo (University College London), and Antonio Ranieri (CEDEFOP) with another two currently being finalised. Each day will feature a theme and related keynote with a panel to help unpack the implications of the keynote speech for the Australasian context. In addition to keynotes and panels, you will see live presentations of research from the Australasian VET research community. You will also be able to access daily workshops on topics including VET research data, techniques and capability development. 

Registrations now open! Head to the conference website to register (https://dg.eventsair.com/avetra-21-virtual-conference/register). This five-day event offers exceptional value. Financial AVETRA members pay only $35, non-members who are students, retired, part-time or unemployed workers pay $85, and employed non-members pay $120. If you registered for the 2020 conference and did not apply for a refund, registration for the 2021 conference is complementary. You will need to register, however, to access the keynotes and various sessions. We will write to you soon with a discount code to use when you register in the category that most applies to you. The code will reduce your ‘fee’ to zero. If you do not receive your discount code within a week, please write to the Conference Chair, Steven Hodge (s.hodge@griffith.edu.au or 0421224474).   

Abstract submissions for presentations close March 5. Go to the conference site for the link to submit your abstract or to review the submission guidelines: https://dg.eventsair.com/avetra-21-virtual-conference/abstracts Note that if you are submitting a full paper for peer review, you do not need to submit an abstract separately. Please see guidance below. 

Peer reviewed paper submissions close midnight, 12 March. Send your paper to Steven Hodge (s.hodge@griffith.edu.au). If you are submitting a paper, the abstract you include will be counted as your presentation abstract. You do not have to separately submit your abstract in order to make a presentation.  


Guidelines for abstracts for presentations and full paper submissions can be accessed on the conference site (https://dg.eventsair.com/avetra-21-virtual-conference/abstracts). 


Call for papers


Abstract submission open: January 15, 2021

Abstract submission close: March 5, 2021

Notification of accepted abstracts: 31st March, 2021

Submission of full papers for peer review: March 12, 2021


The Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA) conference is an annual gathering of researchers, VET practitioners and leaders, education policymakers and representatives from industry, unions and employers. It is an opportunity to showcase scholarly and applied research of, for and from within VET research, policy and practice.


We invite abstract submissions that address the five broad themes below:


Conference paper streams


VET road to recovery - This stream will include papers presenting research examining VET reform, VET’s role and relevance in economic and social recovery during times of local, national and/or international turmoil caused by disasters such as (for example), disease, famine, natural disasters and war.


Practice and Pedagogy - This stream will include papers presenting research examining VET pedagogy, curriculum and partnerships, qualifications, industry collaborations and innovations in practice, including applied research undertaken by VET practitioners and institutional leaders.


Equity and Diversity - This stream will include papers presenting research examining equity and diversity in a VET context, including its role in improving social and economic equity and diversity outcomes.  


Research - This stream will include papers presenting research that sits outside the above themes but is still aligned with the conference theme. It could include research on VET itself and papers that draw on big data (e.g. AVETMISS, NCVER Collections, ABS, HILDA, LSAY, OECD) to illuminate patterns and trends in Australian VET and international TVET systems including meta-analysis, longitudinal and time-series.


Where VET fits - This stream will include papers presenting research examining VET’s place within society and economies.  Topics may, for example, examine pathways and transitions between sectors and learning contexts, including transitions from VET to work, from school to VET and school to work, and from VET to higher education and higher education to VET. This would include papers on the status of VET.


These streams will be used to schedule presentations at the conference.


