

3rd European Congress on Global Education
周四, 2015/11/26 - 周六, 2015/11/28
Zagreb, Croatia

This Congress will aim to bring together over 200 stakeholders in global education (GE), from formal and non-formal education sectors, civil society platforms, governments, parliaments, local and regional authorities and intergovernmental organisations from Europe and beyond, using the principle of "quadrilogue" and of a holistic approach to global education. Objectives of the Congress The objectives of the Congress are to: 1. Contribute to a Global Education/Global Citizenship Education (GE/GCED) competence and methodological framework, in particular key competences for intercultural and interreligious understanding, to be used in both formal and non-formal education sectors and which contribute to critical and active citizenship, aware of, and able to deal with global challenges and opportunities; 2. Identify the priorities and mechanisms for further strengthening of GE/GCED, given the existing needs and the achievements at the country level, within national strategy development, curricular reform, capacity-building, quality support, campaigning and outreach; 3. Identify the added value and possible contribution of GE/GCED to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); 4. Outline proposals to establish an oversight mechanism to support evaluation and implementation of GE/GCED in Europe and propose an Action Plan for the next three years in terms of policy development, pedagogical support and training mechanisms. link to provisional Concept Paper: http://nscglobaleducation.org/images/Documents_for_articles/2015_GE_Congress_Concept-Paper_draft-0.pdf
