Organized by the UNESCO Regional Office Beirut in collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Sudan, Sudanese National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO office in Khartoum Arab youth today need to be national and global citizens at the same time in order to increase their ability to compete in the era of the globalized economy. They also need education on global citizenship in order to understand many of the issues and problems they face and crises of global proportions. This requires reform of educational systems to include education components on global citizenship, which includes a variety of results of basic education, skills, values and behaviors that can be applied in line with the privacy of the Arab region and the specificity of each country. In this framework, the UNESCO Regional Office in Beirut working on citizenship education and the values of tolerance at the regional level, with the support of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz program on culture of peace and dialogue Centre, organizes a series of workshops designed to stimulate the application of global citizenship education at the local and regional levels. To this end, UNESCO Regional Office organizes a workshop sub-regional action in Khartoum from December 12 to 13. Designed to enable Member States to develop and improve the structures and procedures for the implementation of education for global citizenship at the national level. The workshop aims to guide the curriculum developers and sections teacher training to include the values of citizenship in the curriculum and training elements. This includes ensuring deep knowledge and understanding of the fundamental issues and concepts, skills, goals and issues related to global citizenship education at the national level values. The specific objectives of the workshop are:
The expected results of the workshop are: