In September 2020, on the occasion of World Cleanup Day, UNESCO, with kind support from the Government of Japan, launched the global campaign Trash Hack encouraging young people to take action to promote sustainable development, reflect on their actions, and share their learnings.
This online event presents an opportunity for UNESCO Associated Schools, FEE Eco-schools and all others involved in the campaign to come together and celebrate their Trash Hacks, share some good practice examples, encourage others to act. The event will occur one week before the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (17 -19 May).
Each year the world generates over 2 billion tons of waste. Trash clogs our oceans, fills our streets and litters huge areas of the planet. Waste and over consumption are both contributors to the climate crisis.
In September 2020, on the occasion of World Cleanup Day, UNESCO, with kind support from the Government of Japan, launched the global campaign Trash Hack encouraging young people to take action to promote sustainable development, reflect on their actions, and share their learnings.
To support school communities and in particular teachers to engage their students in trash hacking their schools, homes and communities, UNESCO developed a practical guide Trash Hack: Action Learning for Sustainable Development. The guide has been published by UNESCO in English, French and Spanish.
As part of the Campaign, the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) and the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) partnered to make a global call and to invite all their members to engage in action learning on trash, waste management and, more widely, sustainable development in a launch webinar on 29 January, 2021. The webinar was followed live by over 800 people, and has since been viewed over 4,000 times.
Since the launch, students and teachers around the world have been using the guide to trash hack their classrooms, schools and communities, and creating videos and images to submit to UNESCO and the Young Reporters for the Environment Competition to share their observations, actions, reflections and celebrate their achievements.
This online event presents an opportunity for UNESCO Associated Schools, FEE Eco-schools and all others involved in the campaign to come together and celebrate their Trash Hacks, share some good practice examples, encourage others to act. The event will occur one week before the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (17 -19 May).