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Status of water education in the context of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD, 2005-2014)

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Paris | 2007 | 14p
Corporate author : 
International Hydrological Programme (IHP)
Regions : 
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Report on the survey on the implementation of the road map for arts education

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Paris | 2010 | 52p
Corporate author : 
Regions : 
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Intercultural Multilingual Education in Latin America: Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay, and Norway

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
San Jose | 2011 | 53p
Corporate author : 
Internacional de la Educación para Latinoamerica
Regions : 
Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean
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The 2030 Agenda and the Regional Gender Agenda: Synergies for Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean (Asuntos de Género; no. 143)

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Santiago | 2017 | 75 p.
Corporate author : 
UN; Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL)
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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A Coherent European Approach to SDG Target 4.7

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Helsinki | 2021 | 29 p.
Corporate author : 
Bridge 47
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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The Program of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on Countering Extremism and Terrorism for 2017-2022

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Bishkek | 2017 | 13 p.
Corporate author : 
Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
Regions : 
Asia and the Pacific
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Purple Alert: Spaces Free of Sexual Harassment

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Bogota | 2021 | 92 p.
Corporate author : 
Center for Research and Popular Education; Program for Peace (CINEP/PPP)
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Experiences and Narratives of Women Leaders and Defenders of Chocó, Nariño, Antioquia and Cauca in the Implementation of the PDET

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Bogotá | 2022 | 47, 25 p.
Corporate author : 
Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular (Cinep)
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Promoting Global Citizenship Education in Arab Universities: A Regional Outlook

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Beirut | 2022 | 3 p.
Corporate author : 
Regions : 
Arab States
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Education sector responses to climate change: background paper with international examples

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Bangkok | 2012 | 43p
Corporate author : 
UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific
Regions : 
