hen, local time: Tuesday, 5 July 2016 - 9:00am to Wednesday, 6 July 2016 - 6:00pm Where: France, Paris Type of Event: Category 7-Seminar and Workshop Contact: esd@unesco.org The meeting will serve to present and review progress achieved and challenges encountered in implementing GAP commitments; share successful approaches to scaling-up ESD; discuss challenges encounter in reaching the target group of each Partner network; and plan common activities for the year ahead. This second meeting of the GAP Partner Networks will focus on scaling-up ESD. It will discuss and define appropriate scaling up mechanisms; review progress achieved in particular synergies and collaboration established among Partners; and plan the continuous work of the Partner Networks, with a particular focus on flagship projects. Links: Global Action Programme on ESD information folder GAP Clearinghouse Global Action Programme on ESD Theme page: Education for Sustainable Development Education for the 21st Century