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2019 UKFIET conference
Event Date: 
Tue, 2019/09/17 - Thu, 2019/09/19
Oxford, UK


The 2019 United Kingdom Forum for International Education and Training will be held From Tuesday, September 17 - Thursday, September 19. It will explore the common fallacies regarding the development of inclusive education systems, and how global and national finances can be mobilized in effective ways to enable necessary reforms to take place.


The Global Partnership for Education will lead sessions during this event as follows:


Tuesday, September 17:
Inclusive education for children with disabilities and the Global Partnership for Education (11:30am - 1:00pm)
How GPE’s approach to education financing and new funding mechanisms are designed to improve learning outcomes for all (2:00pm - 3:30pm)


Wednesday, September 18:
Minding the gap: The role of BACKUP Education in complementing GPE (1:30pm - 3:00pm)