Capacity Building Workshop on Global Citizenship Education for Latin America and the Caribbean The principle objectives of the Regional Orientation and Capacity Building Workshop on Global Citizenship Education for Latin America and the Caribbean are to develop greater knowledge on Global Citizenship Education and help to integrate it into the education systems of the region. The workshop will take place in Santiago, Chile on 1-3 September. The workshop is intended for representatives from the government, academic community, civil society and international agencies who work on topics such as education policy and planning, curriculum development, teacher training, school and teacher health, gender equality, human rights, and education for peace, among others Main objective To orient key stakeholders on GCED. This includes ensuring their familiarity with core issues and challenges and identifying opportunities for further designing/re-designing and implementing GCED initiatives at the country level. Specific objectives The objectives of the regional orientation workshop, to be jointly implemented by OREALC/UNESCO Santiago and the HQ’s GCED Team are as follows:
link to event concept note: