Organized by the UNESCO Regional Office in Beirut, in cooperation with the Regional Centre for Educational Planning/ Sharjah, the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States and UNESCO office Doha. Global citizenship education (GCE) is one of the strategic areas of work for UNESCO’s Education Programme (2014-2017) and one of the three priorities of the UN Secretary-General’s Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) launched in September 2012. GCE equips learners of all ages with those values, knowledge and skills that are based on and instill respect for human rights, social justice, diversity, gender equality and environmental sustainability and that empower learners to be responsible global citizens. GCE gives learners the competencies and opportunity to realize their rights and obligations to promote a better world and future for all. In parallel with global efforts, with the support of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz for culture of peace and dialogue, the UNESCO Regional Office in Beirut works on education on citizenship values and tolerance with the aim of stimulating the application of education for global citizenship at local and regional levels. To this end, the Regional Office of UNESCO organizes a workshop, in Sharjah-U.A.E. from December 20 to 22, designed to enable Member States in developing and improving structures and procedures for the implementation of the education for global citizenship at national level. The workshop aims to guide the curriculum developers and sections teacher training to include the values of citizenship in the curriculum and training elements. This includes ensuring deep knowledge and understanding of the fundamental issues and concepts, skills, goals and issues related to global citizenship education at the national level values. The specific objectives of the workshop are: § Showcase the different components of education on citizenship, the values of tolerance such as areas, results, characteristics, themes and objectives. § Discuss ways to integrate education on the values of global citizenship in education systems and display models applied in different environments. § Networking and coordination of efforts and resources among practitioners. The expected results of the workshop are: § Defining practitioners’ educators and curriculum developers, teacher trainers and education on global citizenship and different values of its components. § Good policies and practice for the implementation of ways and means to include education on global citizenship in the curriculum and methods of dampers requires values. § Partnership and networking, especially among main stakeholders, is facilitated. The workshop includes 25 representatives of relevant ministries and curriculum developers , managers and teacher training centers of the United Arab Emirates , Saudi Arabia , Oman , Kuwait , Bahrain , Qatar , Yemen , Jordan , Iraq , Palestine and Lebanon.