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Education for Sustainable Development, Sustainable Lifestyles and Dilemmas
Event Date: 
Thu, 2021/10/21
 © The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR)


Målgrupp: Project owners and other interested school leaders and teachers

Tid: 21 oktober kl 13:00 till- kl 16:00

Plats: Online

Arrangör: The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR)

Kontakt: Susanne Hagström Larsson •


Welcome to a seminar which will strengthen your knowledge and widen your perspective on sustainability. The seminar also supports your participation in projects on the eTwinning platform and projects financed by Nordplus Junior, Erasmus+ and Atlas.


The Programme


13.00   Introduction


Susanne H. Larsson, Head Administrator of the Nordplus Junior programme, Swedish Council for Higher Education.


Amela Fific and Bo Hellström, Regional Managers at The Global School, Swedish Council for Higher Education.


13.10   From a Decade of Action to a Decade of Recovery


2020 was supposed to be the start of a ”Decade of Action” until 2030, instead a global pandemic happened which paralyzed the world. What was a ”Decade of Action” has now become a ”Decade of Recovery”.


Albert Askeljung, Policy specialist at United Nations Development Programmes, UNDP's Nordic office.


13.25   How can we include wicked problems in our teaching?


Wicked problems are unstructured, multi-dimensional, need to be handled, have no end and hold many parallel truths. A short introduction. 


Amela Fific and Bo Hellström, Regional Managers at The Global School, Swedish Council for Higher Education.


13.45   Break


13.50   Workshop A


With planetary boundaries and global goals as a foundation, we will take a closer look at and discuss our food consumption - an issue that affects us all and where individual choices affect green issues. Our food consumption affects the climate crisis, biodiversity, access to clean water, emissions, overfertilization, deforestation and much more. In what ways can we make a difference?


Viktoria Åman, educator at Universeum Science Center.


14.30   Break


14.35   Workshop B


During the workshop we will, through everyday simple objects, contemplate how small things impact the bigger picture. The workshop will focus on how we can make a difference in our everyday lives by the way we consume and wear clothing.


Mattias Kästel, educator at the Museum of World Culture.


15.15   Break


15.20   International co-operation between schools


What effect does international collaboration have on teachers, students, schools and the surrounding community?


Philani Gcaba, educator at Ingwemabala High School in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa reflects on this together with Christina Larsson, educator at Slottsskolan, Sweden.


Oskar Sjögren, principal at YBC in Nacka. He will talk about the school's Nordplus Junior project to stop climate change.

Nordplus project turned upper secondary students into climate activists - Nordplus (


15.50 – 16.00 Closing


16.00 – 17.00 Optional session


An opportunity for collaborative discussions based on today´s content. 



Registration for the seminar "Education for Sustainable Development, Sustainable Lifestyles and Dilemmas"